2013 LAAPL Mickelson Golf Classic
Each year 500 deserving boys from Los Angeles, Ventura, Santa Barbara, Kern and Orange Counties are given the opportunity to go to the camp free of charge through the generosity of the people of Southern California. In the past 60 years over 24,000 boys have had this life changing experience.
Founded in 1949 by oilman Bob Pyles, the camp is supported by special fund raising events and by contributions from individuals, corporations, foundations and service organizations in each of the local areas we serve in Southern California. During that time countless men and women from Southern California have given of their time and resources to help boys become good and productive citizens. We are extremely proud of our success and recognize that it is only made possible by people who have faith in our ability to change boys' lives forever.
We ask that you join other individuals, businesses and foundations that want to make a difference in their community by annually sponsoring one of more boys. Thank you for your consideration.